Automatically Create Calendar Events On Watching Email Response Videos

Automatically Create Calendar Events On Watching Email Response Videos

Under Settings>Sales Pipeline Settings any user who has the Lead Manager Admin role can access the menu option 'Response Settings'.  Here you set a threshold of whether opening the email, or watching a set number of videos will trigger the automatic calendar event reminding the salesperson that owns the lead to follow up.

Within this screen we are able to set the following;
  1. Name - Give your setting an easily recognizable setting name
  2. Type - Select the type of email you want to set up an automatic response from 'Manual Response' (an email sent from AutoPlay manually by a user)  'Auto Response' (an email triggered automatically as an Auto Response) or 'Automation Emails' (any email triggered as a result of AutoPlay Automation settings.  You are free to set up a setting for one or all of these types of emails.
  3. Event Type - The setting defaults to the calendar event type 'Email Response Follow Up' but can be customised to create any type of calendar event.
  4. Campaign - If a lead is Closed when the email response threshold is met it can automatically create a new lead with the 'Campaign' you specified here.
  5. Auto Follow Up On - Select from 'Email Opened' or 'Video Viewed'.  Email Opened will result in a calendar event being triggered as soon as the customer opens the email in the web page, whilst Video Viewed would require the video within the email to be used (Note - this setting is not appropriate if your email template does not contain a video, or contains a third party video - it only works for AutoPlay 'Silverlight' Videos and Listing MP4 Videos uploaded via AutoPlay).
  6. Video View Threshold - Set the number of times a video needs to be viewed to trigger the follow up. The higher the setting the more you know the customer has engaged with the video.  The video only needs to begin playing to record a video view.

When your customer watches the video or opens the email in a web page a calendar event will automatically be created on the lead. Note this does not automatically notify the user but they will see the calendar event in their dashboard when it's time to follow up. To bolt on a notification you can use AutoPlay Automation to select the Trigger Calendar Event Created.

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