Often there are scenarios where a dealer has multiple AutoPlay accounts (i.e Dealer A and Dealer B) but a single Trade Me account. In these instances the 'Dealer A' will hold the fusion Lead Capture Email and normal behavior would be for leads for both dealers to land in the Dealer A account.
As of July 1st 2024, it is now possible to split the leads so it never lands in the Dealer A account, and instead is split out to the Dealer B account automatically.
To do this you can follow the steps below;
1. Create A Dealer Group using the 'Dealer Group' Group Type. Make sure to name it clear and add Notes so it is clear what the purpose of the group is
2. Add the dealers you wish to split leads out to (i.e Dealer A and Dealer B). Make the Parent of the Group the Dealer that is receiving the captured email leads, and add the other dealers to the group as children. In this example Dealer A carries the fusion capture email and Dealer B is the account we want to migrate leads to so Dealer A is the "parent" in the group, and Dealer B is the "child".
3. Once created, a checkbox will appear in My Company>Account Preferences> 'Email Leads - Search for Unknown Listing in Dealer Group'. Check this option.
4. Once 'Email Leads - Search for Unknown Listing in Dealer Group' is checked the drop down 'Unknown Listing Dealer Group' will become editable. Select your group in this drop down.

Once set up the leads sent to Dealer A's Lead Capture email will automatically send to the correct dealer account. The Lead Manager will look for a matching stock number within the nominated Group, and instead of allocating to the lead capture email it will instead route the lead to the Dealer where the listing is detected. Note if the same stock number is used in multiple accounts this will result in issues with the the lead splitting functionality.
When the lead is routed to the destination account it will be treated as a brand new lead - as such all the normal Lead Management, notifiction and allocation settings will apply.